Enam Gbewonyo’s work explores identity, womanhood, and humanity. In this site-specific performance, Gbewonyo worked with textile – tights – to enact the healing and unbinding of Black women from the constrictions of Western society, creating an ode to the female form, its fluidity, its power and its softness.
Two Temple Place invited Gbewonyo to develop Nude Me/Under the Skin for performance in the building, where it gained particular relevance as it responded to both the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement. The performance was accompanied by live music from cellist Sya Sanon, in a composition fusing Bach with music by contemporary Ghanaian artist Worlasi.
The performance was streamed live and is available to watch below.
Enam Gbewonyo is a textile and performance artist and founder of Black British Female Artist Collective (BBFA).
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