We offer an extensive range of learning activities and resources for schools, community groups and families alongside our Exhibition Programme and throughout the year. These have included family activities, downloadable creative resources and teachers’ resource packs for classroom lessons (downloadable to the right, or at the bottom if you are on a mobile or tablet).
We work in partnership with groups to offer a variety of professionally-led crafts and cultural workshops, tours and projects inspired by Two Temple Place, its history, architecture, and our exhibitions. To find out more please see our Community page.
We open for a number of Family days throughout the year. Visit our Families page to download our family trials and creative resources, and to find out how we can support you during your visit to us. Visit What’s On to find out the next time we are open!
As part of our annual Exhibitions Programme we offer free creative schools workshops to Key Stage 2 classes from state Primary Schools around London. These workshops follow the curriculum, encourage conversation and support young people engaging with the exhibitions.
See our Plan a School Visit page for more information, and to download teacher resource packs from our previous exhibitions please see the Teacher Resource Packs page. These include a variety of resources to support teaching in Art & Design, Maths, PSHE, Music, English, Science and History.
Find all you need to arrange a visit with your class to Two Temple Place for one of our free workshops between January and April every year.
With subjects including English, Maths, Science, Art and History our resource packs provide exciting learning activities for KS1 & KS2.
For more information about our school visits or teacher resources, e-mail us at education@twotempleplace.org