Open House London: 2021

Two Temple Place Exterior with Open House Logo

Explore the beautiful interiors of William Waldorf Astor’s London Estate Office with our team on hand to reveal the history of the building.

“One of the loveliest houses in the City… the interior is extraordinary”, Time Out London

“One of those secret universes”, The Observer


Only a limited number of people will be allowed in the building at any one time so it is essential that visitors book a timed slot.

Tickets have a specific start time. Please arrive within 5 minutes of that start time.

We will have a small shop open where you can buy a selection of cards, past exhibition catalogues, postcards, other treats, and a history of the building. Payments may only be made by card or contactless payments.


Please note that we still have COVID safety measures in place: 

Visitors must wear a face covering except for children under 11 years old or those who are exempt.

Social distancing is required throughout the building, and we will be managing room numbers. A one-way system will be in place. Please be mindful of other visitors and staff members and keep a 2-metre distance from others.

Hand washing and sanitising facilities will be available.

Please stay at home if you are feeling unwell.



Two Temple Place is owned by a charitable trust, and has to raise funds to open to the public. Please consider making a donation as part of your visit.

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