Wednesday Late: Live music by Russell Lambert

Join us for an evening of live music by Trinbago percussionist Russell Lambert, presented by Cam Hinds.

Russell Lambert hails from Trinidad and Tobago, with initial musical influences being Calypso and Latin America. He plays both drums and percussion in various styles from jazz rock and blues to world music and soul R&B. He explores and excels in the field of rhythmic improvisation and has toured regions of Europe – especially Span, Italy and Greece. Having discovered the Hand Pans (inspired by his Trinidadian steel pa roots), Russell plays rhythms and melodies in a meditative wy that is often considered to be simply mesmerizing.

Alongside the music, visit The Glass Heart exhibition and have a drink from the bar!

No booking required.

This event is part of the event programme for The Glass Heart: Art, Industry & Collaboration. The full programme can be found here.

To plan your visit please see the Visit Us page.

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